TMJ Treatment Perth

Are you looking for effective TMJ treatment in Perth? Our dentists at Tuart Hill Dental have a wealth of experience in treating TMJ dysfunction.

Don’t put up with jaw pain and headaches that stop you from living your life to the fullest. Call us on 9349 3006 or contact us online to book an appointment for TMJ treatment at Tuart Hill Dental.

What is temporomandibular joint dysfunction?

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (sometimes abbreviated to TMJ or TMD) is a condition that causes pain and dysfunction in the muscles involved in mastication (chewing). These involve muscles that move the jaw, and in the Temporomandibular joint itself.

When untreated, TMJ can periodically worsen over time, bringing with it pain, limited range of motion, poor function, and decreased quality of life. TMJ symptoms are highly treatable when addressed at the onset. When the symptoms are greater in severity, surgery may be needed.

What are the symptoms of TMJ?

Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction can include headache, teeth grinding, facial pain, ear fullness, jaw discomfort, or eye pain. Serious symptoms can also include clicking, bruxism (teeth grinding), fatigue, numbness, or swelling of the face, jaw, or mouth.

Although TMD is not life-threatening, it can affect your quality of life because the symptoms can become chronic and difficult to manage.

Who is at risk for TMJ?

TMD is very common with approximately 20-30% of the adult population affected by it to some degree. The typical age of patients affected by this condition is between 20 and 40 years of age. It is more common in females than males. TMD is the second most frequent cause of orofacial pain after dental pain.

What causes TMJ?

TMD is thought to be caused by multiple factors, but these factors are poorly understood. The most common causes are strain on the jaw joints and the muscle group that controls chewing, swallowing, and speaking. This strain can be caused by bruxism. This is a type of habitual, involuntary tooth clenching or grinding. Trauma to the jaw, head, or neck can cause TMD.

What treatments are available for TMJ?

There are many treatments available for TMJ. The most common treatments include:

  • Occlusal splints (worn at night)
  • Psychosocial interventions like cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Medications like analgesics (painkillers) and injectables

In more extreme cases, surgery may be recommended.

How we can help

The dentists at Tuart Hill Dental are experienced in treating patients suffering from Temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

We can assist with treating your TMJ after a thorough mouth assessment. We will go over your symptoms to determine the severity of your condition and pick the best treatment in this session.

In extreme cases, surgery may be recommended. However, in most cases, we will utilise less invasive procedures that might be suitable for you.

TMJ treatment Perth - Book an appointment

If you're experiencing TMJ pain, contact the friendly team at Tuart Hill Dental on 9349 3006 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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TMJ dysfunction FAQs

What is the best doctor to see for TMJ?

If you're having trouble with your teeth, make an appointment with a dentist. Dentists aren't just concerned with your teeth. They're experts that have gone through extensive training in the anatomy of the jaw and the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ disorders.

What is the most common treatment for TMJ?

The most frequent treatments are orthodontic splints (worn at night), psychosocial therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy and pain medicines such as analgesics (painkillers) and injections.

Why do I suddenly have TMJ?

There could be a variety of causes for your abrupt TMJ pain, but certain factors stand out as probable culprits. While damage to the joint, arthritis, or other illnesses might produce chronic TMJ dysfunction, acute TMJ pain can be caused by trauma or physical injury. Trauma or physical harm to the jaw may also cause sudden TMJ.

Can I fix my TMJ without surgery?

Your treatment may include an orthotic (a custom-made mouth appliance), which will assist you correct your bite. Orthodontics, restorative dentistry, and various other types of dental treatments are some examples of non-surgical TMJ treatment.

Can TMJ be caused by stress?

Physical stress, mental stress, and emotional stress can all lead to the onset of TMJ dysfunction or cause an existing disorder to become worse. You may notice an occasional tightness in the joint along with mild popping or clicking. Stress can make the symptoms more frequent and more painful.

How does a dentist know if you have TMJ?

During your examination, your dentist will apply light pressure to the jaw and TMJ to check for soreness and discomfort. Your dentist will inspect your teeth for indications of tooth grinding, clenching, or misalignment. If they discover evidence of a TMJ disorder, they'll use X-Rays.

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